INDIGO PPT Presentation Templates By Vintage To Vectors is an arty template deck based around an attractive gold, indigo and pale blue colour palette.

With a bit of tweaking, the craft based feel could be reduced and the pleasant colour palette could be harnessed for a different kind of presentation. Right now, you are going to find the gold flakes too crude to leave intact.

This is a sub-30 deck. It manages to capture the most critical ideas and leaves out anything superfluous.

The current typography will need to be developed to something more useful. It looks attractive at a glance, but quickly becomes apparent that this is not built for corporate users.

It is worth making a note of the colour tones from this deck as they are very elegant. However the rest of the deck is clearly focussed on a more arty audience and so this suite is not ideal for C-level use.


About the Product
Present your business and brand in style with these beautiful, feminine PowerPoint templates.
1 PPT file with 28 different slides
1920 x 1080 px wide screen, 72 dpi resolution
All slides are animated (you can decide to keep, delete or change the animation settings)
Extra watercolor and gold glitter textures (JPG format)
Links to all free fonts used
Present your company to a client
Present a project to a client
Present data to a client
Share testimonials and inspiration
Slidedeck for webinars
Slidedeck for online courses
This set works well with other templates from the Indigo Family:
INDIGO Instagram Templates (Photoshop & Canva version):
INDIGO Instagram Story Templates (Photoshop & Canva version):