Client Onboarding Guide:
Optimum Presentation Design Process.
Our target together is to reach a fantastic looking presentation deck with the highest degree of accuracy, efficiency and aesthetics, that wins you new business and influence!
With this process you can free up your time to do the things you do best! I will handle the pressure of managing the presentation graphic design so you can focus on what you need to achieve!
The flow described below is the optimal process in terms of efficiency, which means more time spent making everything look and feel amazing, for your confidence and satisfaction. It’s a triple win from the outset.
Here’s the Quick Checklist version of the full process described afterwards.
If you don’t have time, then the Quick Checklist will get us up and running immediately.
1. Brief– who is this presentation for?
2. When are the deadlines?
3. Provide Brand Assets – logos, fonts, templates, guides (if you have any available)
4. Your Presentation assets – your raw, draft PowerPoint document, any associated text files, Excel charts, image files
5. What are your Presentation dimensions? – (16:9 is widescreen format and the most commonly used by far)
6. Do you have any useful design inspirations that I should see? This might include previously approved presentations for your company that everybody liked.
7. Client sends file and assets to design
8. Design happens … magically!
9. Client receives a PDF of the initial draft
10. Client reviews the PDF. Please provide feedback in a digital format so it can be easily inserted
11. Client releases first milestone
12. Design makes the amends
13. Client receives the presentation as an editable document
14. Minor amends (often made by the client directly inside the deck)
15. Final design adjustments (if needed, not always necessary) and sends back to client
17. Client checks the document one last time
18. Client closes project on Upwork
19. Client and designer leaves review for each other and for future collaborators to assess.
Thank you for reading this far.
The description below adds more detail to the list above. It gives additional clarity and resources. I hope you’re looking forward to beginning our collaboration!
Extra Detail to the Optimum Presentation Design Process.
Before we begin designing together, there are a few pieces of useful information needed:
•A quick project brief that describes the target of this project. For example who is it aimed at?
• When is the final deadline for this project? Are there any team approval milestones along the way? For example does this document need to be reviewed by multiple groups of people? If so, when are they expecting to see drafts?
With the timeline in place, let’s start making things look great.
1. Supply all assets for the deck.
Ideally these will be in a neat Powerpoint, Word, Excel files with images. The initial pack will include brand assets such as fonts, corporate logos on SVG, PNG, EPS format. These will ideally be in RGB colour format. Any imagery will be high-resolution. It won’t be pixellated and blocky.
The content to be laid out will have already been checked, tweaked and polished before it reaches the design stage. If this is not already done, it can create additional time taken, and increases the chance of little errors sneaking in.
Text to be inserted in the deck will be provided in an editable format.
The brand guidelines will be supplied as PDF. This helps design to understand the visual language that we will be developing together. Rules, restrictions and requirements will be honoured according to this guides.
If any pre-existing Powerpoint or presentation templates are already constructed, these will be sent too.
If relevant, any useful design inspirations will be sent. This might include images, colour palettes, relevant logos, similar kinds of designs from which inspiration can be drawn to help us accomplish the project more accurately and efficiently.
Confirm the dimensions of the slide. 99% of the time it is 16:9 format. Other formats can include 4:3 or A4 portrait.
2. If you would like me to provide any design inspiration from my collections this is a good time to exchange ideas and content.
3. I provide a first draft as a PDF. This might be a sample of slides or it might be an initial pass of the entire deck. The PDF enables us to be certain that what I have developed in the design studio is the same as what you see in your office.
4. The client reviews the first draft and makes revisions onto the PDF or in a Word file.
5. The first milestone is released via Upwork.
6. The amends are made on the presentation document and sent back to the client as an editable document with any required fonts. Most likely the fonts used will be 100% free-to-use Google Fonts which are available to download by anyone, anywhere from
After installing any new fonts, please restart PowerPoint so they become available inside the software.
7. After reviewing this new document, there will either be another round of minor amends or the project will be signed off by the client. If there are any last minute changes to be made, we do them now. The client will then proof read the document one more time.
8. Presuming the document looks great, and everyone is happy with it, the client releases the final milestone.
9. After the final milestone has been released, the client will click the “End Contract” button on Upwork. This is an important thing to do.
10. If the project has provided value, the client will leave a quick review on Upwork. This is absolutely vital, as it helps to maintain my profile on Upwork. It lets other potential clients know that they can count on a great end result too. I’m always grateful for the fantastic reviews, they help me so much.
Things to think of when writing the review include:
• Are you happy with the project?
• Does it look good?
• Did you enjoy our interaction?
• Would you recommend this service to others?
That’s everything done! The above list describes the optimal process and most projects follow a similar path to completion. Each project has its own unique pathway of creation so there may be small diversions from this route, but I always aim to produce something outstanding in the most harmonious and economical way.
I am really looking forward to building you a document that you can be proud of. Let’s create the kind of document that really ignites your message and enables you to concentrate on what you do best! Here’s to a great collaboration!
Let’s begin!
Tony Hill Upwork Profile